Our Family

My name is Emma Wilson and I am the blessed wife to Jim and mother to our little boy, Judah (born April 2007), our little girl, Mercy (born May 2009) and our new baby girl, Atirah (born July 2011). We reside in the Ontario Canada and enjoy the seasons of God’s creation in this part of the country. Most importantly, we are a household seeking to follow the Lord with all our hearts. Currently, I am a full time mom, a licensed professional cousellor (not working right now), and a phone answering service for my husbands electrical business, which I do from my home, while managing our home, and serving my husband and our children. My husband and I are also youth pastors at our home church, The Harbour. Our heart is to one day be in full time ministry, speaking to this generation and loving those who are brokenhearted and in need. In the mean time we are living each day, thankful for all of the opportunities that God places on our path. Everything that is good and wonderful in my life comes from Him, and I have no reservations or hesitations in giving Him all the credit. I want God to be made famous in Canada and in the world!

I am a  graduate from Liverty University in Virginia, with my Masters in Professional Counseling and my Bachelor of Science in Psychology, sister to 2 brothers, auntie to three little girls and two little boys, and the blessed daughter of two godly parents.

Photo Credit: Liz Lott, Snapdragon Photography

My husband, Jim, a licensed electrician and a wonderful father. He works in the business with his brother from Mon-Wednesday and is off from Thursday to Sunday, which is ahuge blessing for our family. He provides for us so faithfully! He is also the youth pastor as our home church and developes the youth programs for the young people ages, 9-13 and 14-19. He has a huge heart for this generation and the kids love Him.  Jim and I have both had the priviledge of serving on several local and foreign mission trips. We help mobilize and increase mission awareness in our church and city. We love to see young people go on mission trips and come back with a new perspective on life and a passion for the rest of the world! Our most important ministry is our family, and we are in the middle of a demanding season with children 4yrs, 2yrs, and newborn, however enjoying every moment of it! We know that this small window of opportunity with them will make all the difference in the years to come!! (I do miss sleep though:)

Photo Credit: Liz Lott, Snapdragon Photography

I love writing and am passionate so many things. I love being home and I enjoy encouraging other mothers in this pursuit raising God centered families. My mission is my family. Jjm and I desirethat together we will raise our family to love the Lord. We will be faithful with however many children the Lord blesses us with. This is our HIGHEST calling. In the words of Nancy Campell, author of Above Rubies, “I am a home-loving, home-keeping, home-nursing, home baking, home-sewing, home-cooking, home-working, home-training, home-baby-food making and home-advocating mother. I am an essential asset to the Nation of Canada. My children are the future. Our home is meant to be the hub of society. It is meant to be where everything happens from birth to the grave. We will redefine the meaning of home and familyto this lost and depraved generation! Our home is a nurturing center, an education center, a worship center, a praise center, a cultural development center, a youth center, a social center, a hospitality center, and nutrition center, counseling center, a health center, an industry center, a garden center, a learning center, and an international mission’s center”. It is a place of life and joy!

Photo Credit: Sara Naomi Photography

I am always learning how I can cook more nutritious and cost effective meals. Eating nutritionally and living naturally is something that we highly value. I also desire to be faithful with our finances so I am trying to find ways to be frugul and creative with our finances. We love to give and the more we save on groceries and other necessities the more we can give to the kingdom and bless others!! Our family does not consume meat or dairy products and therefore I am always on the hunt of healthy reciepes that suit our lifestyle. We desire to eat whole, real, and raw foods to nourish our bodies. We are trying to live green! We use cloth diapers with the kids and believe that we need to be faithful with the earth that God has entrusted us to take care of. Cloth diapering is not what it used to be, it is easy, afforable and rewarding!

I esteem highly the call of motherhood and I feel the weight of responsibility to care for my household. I long to be a woman who is confident and secure in who she is and the calling that God has on my life. I desire to love without condition and cultivate community in my home, church and neigbourhood. I believe that God loves all people, he loved me and it was his love gave me life initially. I desire to see that love extended to every person He has me come in contact with. I eagerly seek to minister to woman, mothers, and young people as much as possible from my home, alongside my husband and with my children. I would love to have you join me on this journey as a journal about how God is teaching me and drawing me closer into a relationship with himself and those around me.  May you experience the joy and freedom of simplicity and significance, and may you be encouraged wherever you are at to live a simply beautiful life!

One thought on “Our Family

  1. Hi Emma
    I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog… but thank you very much!! As a not so young mom of a young child (Madelyn was born Dec 07) it is was nice to read your blog about when it rains it pours… It was a real blessing to me …

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